Sunday, December 8, 2019



My obsession with the polar regions of Earth began in August 2016 with my initial trip to Southeast Greenland and a taste of the Arctic.  The 'call of the ice' motivated me to go to Antarctica. In January 2016, I traveled to the Antarctic Peninsula, South Georgia, and the Falkland Islands from Ushuaia, Argentina. 

As part of my 'polar education', in 2017, I audited ICE101x, Antarctica: Life on the Frozen Continent, implemented by Victoria University, NZ.

It's December 2019 and I am participating in their  follow on course, ICE102x, Antarctica: From Geology to Human History, which focuses on the Ross Sea area, including the McMurdo Dry Valleys.

Motivated to see South Antarctica for myself, I will travel with  Heritage Expeditions in February 2021 from Invercargill, NZ across the Southern ocean to the Ross Sea area.

Map and classification of the glacial history of the maritime and sub-Antarctic Islands included in this review, shown in relation to the position of the southern boundary of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current (red line), Antarctic Polar Front (yellow line), and sub-Antarctic Front (pink line). 

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